July 26, 2024
facts about Antigua and Barbuda

29 Interesting Facts about Antigua and Barbuda: History, Travel

What are some of the interesting facts about Antigua and Barbuda? Located in the Eastern Caribbean, Antigua and Barbuda is a captivating duo of islands renowned for their pristine beaches, vibrant culture, and rich history. Antigua, the larger of the two, boasts an array of stunning white-sand beaches framed by turquoise waters, making it a haven for sun-seekers and water sports enthusiasts alike. Its capital, St. John’s, is a bustling hub known for its colorful architecture, lively markets, and the imposing St. John’s Cathedral. Meanwhile, Barbuda offers a more secluded escape, with its untouched landscapes and tranquility drawing visitors seeking a serene retreat.  In this article, I will talk about some interesting facts about Antigua and Barbuda.

Interesting Facts About Antigua and Barbuda: History, Culture, Travel

The islands’ history is woven with tales of indigenous Arawak and Carib peoples, European colonization, and a legacy of sugar plantations. Today, Antigua and Barbuda blend their rich heritage with modern amenities, offering visitors a diverse range of experiences, from exploring historic sites like Nelson’s Dockyard to indulging in the vibrant culinary scene featuring fresh seafood and local delicacies. With its warm hospitality and breathtaking natural beauty, Antigua and Barbuda beckons travelers to discover the allure of the Caribbean. Here are some interesting facts about Antigua and Barbuda:

1. Antigua and Barbuda: A Tale of Two Islands

Antigua and Barbuda, though often mentioned together, are distinct entities separated by 40 kilometers of azure waters, each harboring its own allure and charm. Antigua, the larger of the two, captivates visitors with its bustling ports, vibrant culture, and stunning beaches, while Barbuda entices with its tranquil ambiance and unspoiled natural beauty. Together, they form a dynamic duo that beckons travelers to explore their diverse landscapes and rich heritage, offering a myriad of experiences waiting to be discovered.

2. The Legendary “365 Beaches” of Antigua

Antigua has long been celebrated as the “Land of 365 Beaches,” a tantalizing claim that suggests there is a beach for every day of the year. While the exact count might be subject to debate, there is no denying the abundance of pristine sandy shores that adorn the island’s coastline. From secluded coves fringed by swaying palms to lively stretches of shoreline buzzing with activity, Antigua’s beaches offer something for every traveler’s taste. Whether you seek solitude and serenity or adventure and excitement, you’re sure to find your slice of paradise on one of Antigua’s many picturesque beaches.

3. Volcanic Legacy: Antigua and Barbuda’s Geological Heritage

Millions of years ago, the fiery forces of volcanic activity sculpted the landscapes of Antigua and Barbuda, shaping their terrain with rolling hills, verdant valleys, and sheltered bays. Despite their tranquil appearance, remnants of their volcanic origins are evident in the rugged topography and rocky outcrops that punctuate the islands’ panoramas. This geological legacy adds a layer of intrigue to their allure, inviting visitors to explore the ancient forces that have shaped their natural splendor. From the panoramic vistas atop verdant hills to the secluded coves nestled along the coastline, Antigua and Barbuda bear witness to the enduring power and beauty of the Earth’s geological processes, reminding us of the profound connections between land, sea, and sky.

4. Pre-Columbian Presence

In the annals of time, long before the sails of European ships graced the horizon, the islands of Antigua and Barbuda bore witness to the footfalls of indigenous peoples. Archeological findings and historical remnants provide tantalizing glimpses into a rich tapestry of pre-Columbian existence, suggesting that Amerindian tribes, with their intricate cultures and nuanced societies, roamed these lands for centuries.

From the sturdy walls of ancient settlements to the delicate artifacts unearthed from the depths of time, each discovery whispers of a people deeply connected to the rhythms of nature and the mysteries of the cosmos. Their presence, though shrouded in the mists of antiquity, leaves an indelible mark on the landscape, a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of those who called these islands home. As we tread softly upon the earth, we can almost hear the echoes of their voices carried on the breeze, reminding us of a past both distant and intimately entwined with our own.

5. Colonized by Christopher Columbus

In the annals of maritime exploration, the name Christopher Columbus looms large, a figure both revered and reviled in equal measure. It was on his second voyage to the New World in the fateful year of 1493 that his intrepid crew first set foot upon the shores of Antigua. In a gesture steeped in religious fervor and imperial ambition, Columbus bestowed upon this newfound land the name “Antigua,” in homage to Santa María la Antigua (St. Mary of the Old).

With the unfurling of Spanish flags and the planting of crosses upon the sandy beaches, the die was cast, and the course of history was forever altered. Yet, beneath the veneer of conquest and colonization, lies a more complex narrative of encounters, both tragic and transformative. The clash of civilizations, the mingling of cultures, the exchange of goods and ideas—all find expression in the intricate dance of history, where each step leaves an indelible mark upon the sands of time.

6. British Rule

The ebb and flow of empires brought Antigua and Barbuda under the sway of the British crown in the tumultuous era of colonial expansion. By the 17th century, these idyllic islands had become prized possessions in the chess game of imperial politics, coveted for their strategic location and abundant resources. Under the Union Jack, a new chapter unfolded, marked by the imprint of British culture and governance.

From the imposing fortifications that dot the coastline to the elegant Georgian architecture gracing the streets of St. John’s, the legacy of British rule endures in the very fabric of Antiguan society. Yet, this colonial heritage is not merely a relic of the past but a living, breathing presence, shaping everything from the rhythms of daily life to the contours of legal systems. As the sun sets over English Harbour and the Union Jack flutters in the breeze, one cannot help but ponder the enduring legacy of empire in these island paradises.

7. Sugarcane Legacy

The verdant fields of Antigua bore witness to a centuries-long romance with sugarcane, a crop that not only fueled the island’s economy but also shaped its very identity. From the earliest days of colonization, vast plantations sprawled across the landscape, their emerald hues punctuated by the rhythmic sway of cane stalks in the tropical breeze. The labor of enslaved Africans, toiling under the blistering sun, fueled the insatiable demand for sugar in distant markets, enriching planters and power brokers alike.

But behind the opulent façade of plantation life lay a darker reality of exploitation and suffering, where human lives were reduced to mere commodities in the relentless pursuit of profit. The legacy of sugarcane endures in the names of villages and estates, in the remnants of old mills and windmills scattered across the countryside. Though the days of monoculture are long past, the echoes of this bygone era still resonate in the collective memory of Antiguans, a reminder of both resilience and resilience and the scars of history.

8. The Rise of Tourism

As the 20th century dawned, winds of change swept across the Caribbean, ushering in a new era of prosperity and transformation for Antigua and Barbuda. With the decline of the sugar industry, the islands turned their gaze towards a new horizon, one beckoning with the promise of sun-kissed beaches and azure waters. Tourism emerged as the lifeblood of the economy, drawing visitors from far and wide to bask in the island’s natural splendor and warm hospitality. From the glamorous resorts lining the shores to the vibrant bustle of local markets, a thriving industry took root, providing jobs and opportunities for generations of Antiguans.

Yet, beneath the veneer of paradise lies a delicate balance between preservation and progress, as the islands grapple with the challenges of sustainable development and environmental stewardship. As cruise ships ply the turquoise waters and jet-setters flock to luxury retreats, the rise of tourism heralds a new chapter in the story of Antigua and Barbuda, where the past and present converge in a tapestry of color and contrast.

9. English is the Official Language

In the mosaic of languages that adorn the Caribbean archipelago, English stands as the lingua franca of Antigua and Barbuda, a testament to the enduring legacy of British colonialism. From the halls of government to the chatter of street vendors, the mellifluous cadence of English echoes across the islands, bridging divides and uniting diverse communities under a common tongue. Yet, beneath the surface of linguistic uniformity lies a rich tapestry of dialects and accents, reflecting the multicultural tapestry of Antiguan society.

From the lilting lilt of Creole to the lyrical rhythms of Rastafarian speech, each voice adds its unique hue to the vibrant tapestry of island life. As the sun sets over Nelson’s Dockyard and the strains of calypso drift on the evening breeze, one cannot help but marvel at the resilience of language in the face of history’s turbulent currents. English may be the official language of Antigua and Barbuda, but its true richness lies in the diversity of voices that call these islands home.

10. A Diverse Population

In the mosaic of humanity that is Antigua and Barbuda, diversity reigns supreme, weaving a vibrant tapestry of cultures and identities that reflect the island’s tumultuous history. Descendants of African slaves brought to toil in the sugarcane fields centuries ago, form the bedrock of the population, their resilience and spirit infusing the very soul of the nation. Yet, alongside them stand Europeans, descendants of colonial settlers who carved out their place in the sun, leaving an indelible mark on the island’s landscape.

But perhaps most intriguing are those of mixed heritage, whose lineage bears witness to the tangled web of encounters and exchanges that have shaped Antiguan society. From the rhythms of Afro-Caribbean music to the flavors of Creole cuisine, each strand of ancestry adds its unique hue to the vibrant tapestry of island life, creating a culture that is as rich and diverse as the Caribbean itself.

11. St. John’s: The Bustling Capital

At the heart of Antigua lies St. John’s, a bustling metropolis where history meets modernity in a heady blend of sights, sounds, and sensations. As the capital city, St. John’s serves as the beating heart of the island, pulsating with energy and vitality at every turn. Here, narrow streets wind their way past colonial-era buildings adorned with colorful shutters, their facades bearing witness to centuries of history and heritage.

Amidst this architectural tapestry, visitors can explore a wealth of attractions, from the imposing edifice of St. John’s Cathedral to the lively hustle and bustle of the Central Market. But it is perhaps in the realm of commerce and culture that St. John’s truly shines, offering a kaleidoscope of experiences that range from duty-free shopping to vibrant nightlife. Whether strolling along the waterfront promenade or savoring a spicy jerk chicken at a local eatery, visitors to St. John’s are sure to be captivated by the city’s irresistible charm and allure.

12. Nelson’s Dockyard National Park

Nestled on the southern coast of Antigua lies a testament to the island’s maritime heritage: Nelson’s Dockyard National Park. This UNESCO World Heritage Site stands as a living monument to the island’s colonial past, showcasing a meticulously restored 18th-century British naval dockyard that once served as the epicenter of naval operations in the Caribbean. Here, visitors can wander among the weathered stone buildings and cobbled streets, marveling at the ingenuity of the engineers who constructed this marvel of maritime engineering.

From the imposing walls of Fort Berkeley to the graceful lines of the Admiral’s House, each structure offers a glimpse into a bygone era of seafaring adventure and exploration. But Nelson’s Dockyard is more than just a museum piece; it is a living, breathing testament to the enduring spirit of Antigua, where yachts bob lazily in the harbor and the echoes of history reverberate in the sea breeze. As the sun sets over English Harbour, casting a golden glow upon the waters below, visitors can’t help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the timeless beauty of this historic site.

13. Barbuda’s Frigatebird Sanctuary

Nestled amidst the azure waters of the Caribbean Sea, the island of Barbuda beckons with a natural spectacle unlike any other: the largest nesting colony of frigatebirds in the entire Caribbean. For birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts alike, this sanctuary is a veritable paradise, offering a rare opportunity to witness these majestic creatures in their element. Against a backdrop of sun-drenched skies and swaying palms, frigatebirds soar gracefully overhead, their elegant silhouettes tracing patterns against the horizon.

From the vantage point of the sanctuary, visitors can marvel at the intricate dance of courtship and nesting, as males puff out their crimson throat pouches in a dazzling display of prowess and charm. As the sun dips below the horizon, casting a golden glow upon the tranquil waters below, the frigatebird sanctuary takes on a magical aura, a testament to the timeless beauty of nature’s creations.

14. Stingray City

In the crystalline waters off the coast of Antigua lies a hidden gem known as Stingray City Sandbar, where visitors can embark on a thrilling encounter with some of the ocean’s most enchanting inhabitants. Here, amidst the shallow sands and swaying seagrass, gentle stingrays glide effortlessly through the water, their sleek forms casting shadows against the sun-dappled seabed.

For adventurers of all ages, snorkeling or diving in the company of these graceful creatures is an experience not to be missed. With expert guides leading the way, visitors can swim alongside the stingrays, marveling at their silky-smooth skin and graceful movements. As the stingrays gracefully glide past, brushing against outstretched fingers with gentle curiosity, a sense of wonder fills the air, reminding us of the boundless beauty and mystery of the ocean’s depths.

15. Cricket: The National Sport

In the sun-drenched fields and verdant pastures of Antigua, cricket reigns supreme as the undisputed king of sports, a legacy of British influence that has woven itself into the fabric of island life. From the dusty village greens to the hallowed grounds of the Sir Vivian Richards Stadium, cricket is more than just a game; it is a passion, a way of life, cherished by both locals and visitors alike.

With its roots tracing back to the colonial era, cricket embodies the spirit of camaraderie and competition, bringing communities together in a shared love for the sport. Whether cheering on their favorite team from the stands or honing their skills in pickup matches on the beach, Antiguans embrace cricket with a fervor that is as infectious as it is enduring. As the sound of leather on willow echoes across the island, it serves as a reminder of the timeless bond between sport and culture, uniting people of all backgrounds in a celebration of athleticism and tradition.

Interesting Facts about Antigua and Barbuda: History, Travel

16. The Antigua Sailing Week

Each year, against the backdrop of Antigua’s azure waters and sun-kissed shores, sailors and spectators from around the globe gather for the prestigious Antigua Sailing Week. This renowned yachting event stands as a testament to the island’s storied maritime heritage and its enduring passion for all things nautical. Against a backdrop of billowing sails and shimmering seas, international competitors test their mettle in a series of exhilarating races, vying for glory and acclaim on the open waters. From sleek racing yachts to majestic schooners, the regatta showcases the full spectrum of sailing prowess, drawing admirers from far and wide to witness the spectacle unfold.

Yet, beyond the thrill of competition lies a deeper connection to the sea, a bond that unites sailors and spectators alike in a shared love for the ocean’s boundless beauty and untamed spirit. As the sun sets on another day of racing, the shores of Antigua come alive with celebration and camaraderie, as participants and spectators alike come together to revel in the magic of sailing under the Caribbean sky.

17. The Shirley Heights Lookout

Perched high atop a windswept bluff overlooking English Harbour, the Shirley Heights Lookout offers a panoramic vista of breathtaking beauty and historical significance. Originally built as a strategic fortification during the colonial era, this historic site now serves as a beacon for travelers seeking both stunning views and vibrant cultural experiences. At sunset, the sky ignites with fiery hues, casting a warm glow upon the rolling hills and turquoise waters below.

Against this backdrop of natural splendor, visitors can immerse themselves in the rhythms of island life, as steel pan bands fill the air with infectious melodies and local artisans showcase their talents. Whether savoring a rum punch at the onsite bar or indulging in a sumptuous barbecue feast, guests are treated to a sensory feast that captures the essence of Caribbean hospitality. And as the stars twinkle overhead and the sounds of laughter echo into the night, the Shirley Heights Lookout stands as a timeless testament to the enduring allure of Antigua’s past and the boundless possibilities of its future.

18. Culinary Delights

In the kitchens and markets of Antigua and Barbuda, a symphony of flavors awaits, each dish a celebration of the island’s rich cultural tapestry and bountiful natural resources. From the briny depths of the Caribbean Sea to the lush tropical groves that carpet the countryside, the ingredients of Antiguan and Barbudan cuisine reflect a harmonious blend of African, European, and indigenous influences. Fresh seafood takes center stage, with delicacies such as lobster, snapper, and conch gracing the tables of seaside eateries and local bistros alike.

Tropical fruits burst with vibrant color and flavor, infusing dishes with a tantalizing sweetness that dances on the palate. And beneath it all lies a symphony of spices, from fiery scotch bonnet peppers to fragrant herbs like thyme and basil, adding depth and complexity to every bite. Whether savoring a traditional pepperpot stew or indulging in a decadent coconut tart, visitors to Antigua and Barbuda are sure to delight in the culinary delights that await them at every turn.

19. Fungee: A Staple Dish

At the heart of Antiguan and Barbudan cuisine lies a humble yet hearty staple known as fungee, a dish that embodies the essence of island life in every savory bite. Crafted from simple ingredients—cornmeal, water, and salt—fungee is a cornmeal mush that serves as a versatile accompaniment to a variety of dishes. Whether paired with rich and flavorful stews, vibrant sautéed vegetables, or succulent seafood, this humble dish adds a comforting touch to any meal.

Its smooth and creamy texture provides the perfect canvas for soaking up the bold flavors and aromatic spices that characterize Caribbean cuisine. From the bustling kitchens of local eateries to the humble hearths of home cooks, fungee is a beloved tradition that brings families and communities together around the dinner table, nourishing both body and soul with its simple yet satisfying goodness.

20. Rum Reigns Supreme

In the sun-drenched climes of the Caribbean, rum reigns supreme as the undisputed king of spirits, a potent elixir that has been distilled and imbibed for centuries. From the sugarcane fields of Antigua to the distilleries that dot the islands, rum-making is a time-honored tradition that reflects the rich agricultural heritage of the region. Whether enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or in a tantalizing array of cocktails and punches, rum is more than just a beverage; it is a cultural icon that embodies the spirit of the Caribbean.

From the fiery kick of overproof rum to the smooth and mellow notes of aged varieties, each sip tells a story of craftsmanship and tradition, evoking memories of sun-drenched beaches and balmy tropical nights. As the clink of glasses and the laughter of friends fill the air, rum serves as a potent symbol of celebration and conviviality, bringing people together in a spirit of warmth and camaraderie.

21. Reggae Rhythms and Calypso Cadence

From the bustling streets of St. John’s to the tranquil shores of Barbuda, the islands of Antigua and Barbuda pulsate with the vibrant rhythms of reggae and calypso music. Born from the fusion of African and Caribbean musical traditions, these genres infuse the air with an infectious energy that is impossible to resist. Whether swaying to the laid-back grooves of reggae or moving to the upbeat tempo of calypso, visitors and locals alike find themselves caught up in the irresistible cadence of island life.

From impromptu jam sessions on the beach to lively performances at local venues, music is an integral part of the cultural tapestry of Antigua and Barbuda, weaving its way into every aspect of daily life. As the sun sets and the stars twinkle overhead, the strains of reggae and calypso provide the soundtrack for unforgettable moments shared with friends and loved ones, reminding us of the universal language of music that transcends borders and binds us together in harmony.

22. Carnivals and Celebrations

In the sultry heat of the Caribbean summer, Antigua and Barbuda burst into a riot of color and sound as vibrant carnivals take center stage, beckoning locals and visitors alike to join in the festivities. Against a backdrop of azure skies and palm-fringed beaches, revelers don elaborate costumes adorned with feathers, sequins, and beads, transforming the streets into a kaleidoscope of color and movement. From the pulsating rhythms of steel drums to the infectious beats of soca and calypso music, the air thrums with energy and excitement as dancers sway and twirl in a joyful celebration of life and culture.

As the sun sets and the party continues into the night, the spirit of carnival fills the air, uniting people from all walks of life in a shared expression of joy and camaraderie that transcends language and nationality. For Antiguans and Barbudans, carnival is more than just a celebration; it is a cherished tradition that embodies the spirit of resilience, creativity, and community that defines the islands.

23. A Monarchy with a Governor-General

Despite being a sovereign nation, Antigua and Barbuda maintains ties to the British monarchy, with Queen Elizabeth II serving as the official head of state. However, her role is largely ceremonial, with day-to-day governance entrusted to a Governor-General who represents the Queen in her absence. Appointed by the monarch on the advice of the Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, the Governor-General serves as the constitutional head of state, performing various ceremonial duties and functions. While the monarchy’s influence may be largely symbolic, it nonetheless underscores the historical and cultural ties that bind Antigua and Barbuda to the Commonwealth realm, reflecting a legacy of colonialism and imperialism that continues to shape the nation’s identity to this day.

24. A Developing Nation

In the dynamic tapestry of the global economy, Antigua and Barbuda occupies a unique position as a developing nation striving to carve out its place on the world stage. With a small and diverse economy heavily reliant on tourism, the islands face both opportunities and challenges as they chart a course towards sustainable growth and development. From the sun-drenched shores of its pristine beaches to the vibrant bustle of its capital city, Antigua and Barbuda teems with potential, offering visitors a glimpse into a world of natural beauty and cultural richness. Yet, beneath the veneer of paradise lies a complex tapestry of social, economic, and environmental issues that demand attention and action.

As the nation navigates the currents of globalization and modernization, tourism remains a crucial lifeline, driving investment, creating jobs, and fueling economic growth. But with this reliance comes a responsibility to balance progress with preservation, ensuring that the natural and cultural treasures that make Antigua and Barbuda unique are safeguarded for generations to come.

25. Education Focus

In the vibrant tapestry of Antigua and Barbuda, education shines as a beacon of hope and opportunity, guiding the way towards a brighter future for generations to come. With a steadfast commitment to excellence, the nation prioritizes education, fostering a culture of learning and growth that empowers individuals to reach their full potential. High literacy rates stand as a testament to the success of this endeavor, with schools and universities across the islands providing quality education to students of all backgrounds.

From early childhood programs to tertiary institutions, Antigua and Barbuda offers a diverse array of educational opportunities, equipping students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in an ever-changing world. As the nation invests in the next generation, education emerges as a powerful force for social mobility and economic development, laying the foundation for a thriving and prosperous society.

26. Environmental Concerns

Amidst the sun-drenched splendor of Antigua and Barbuda, environmental concerns cast a shadow over the idyllic landscape, reminding us of the fragility of our planet and the urgent need for action. Climate change looms large as a looming threat, with rising sea levels and extreme weather events posing a dire risk to the islands’ low-lying shores and vulnerable ecosystems. But perhaps nowhere is the impact of climate change more keenly felt than in the delicate coral reefs that fringe the coastline, serving as vital habitats for marine life and protecting against coastal erosion.

As these majestic underwater ecosystems face unprecedented challenges from warming seas and ocean acidification, efforts to protect and preserve them have taken on added urgency. From community-based conservation initiatives to government-led policies, Antigua and Barbuda are working tirelessly to safeguard their natural heritage for future generations, recognizing that the health of their environment is inextricably linked to the well-being of their people.

27. Hollywood Hotspot

Beneath the azure skies and palm-fringed beaches of Antigua and Barbuda lies a hidden gem beloved by filmmakers and cinephiles alike. With its breathtaking natural beauty and diverse array of landscapes, the islands have served as a captivating backdrop for several Hollywood films, bringing their unique charm to the silver screen.

From epic adventures to romantic comedies, Antigua and Barbuda have played host to a diverse range of cinematic productions, showcasing their sun-drenched shores and lush tropical scenery to audiences around the world. As cameras roll and actors tread the sands of these idyllic islands, Antigua and Barbuda emerge as more than just a Hollywood hotspot; they are a living, breathing testament to the timeless allure of the Caribbean, where every sunset is a work of art and every wave a symphony of possibility.

28. Luxury Resorts and Secluded Hideaways:

Nestled amidst the sun-drenched shores and swaying palms of Antigua and Barbuda, a world of luxury awaits those seeking a retreat from the ordinary. From opulent resorts to secluded villas, the islands cater to a diverse array of tastes and preferences, ensuring that every traveler finds their slice of paradise. For those craving indulgence and relaxation, luxury resorts beckon with their lavish amenities and impeccable service, offering a haven of tranquility where every whim is catered to with care and attention. From infinity pools overlooking the azure waters of the Caribbean to private beachfront cabanas where the only sound is the gentle lapping of waves, these resorts provide a sanctuary for the senses, a place where time stands still and worries melt away. Motivation – Mind – Success – Thinking – Productivity – Happiness

Yet, for those seeking a more intimate experience, secluded hideaways offer a chance to escape the crowds and immerse oneself in the natural beauty of the islands. Whether tucked away in a hillside villa surrounded by lush tropical foliage or ensconced in a beachfront bungalow where the only footprints in the sand are your own, these hidden gems offer a retreat from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, allowing guests to reconnect with themselves and the world around them in a setting of unparalleled beauty and serenity.

29. A Relaxed Pace of Life:

In the rhythm of island life, time takes on a different dimension, flowing at a leisurely pace that invites visitors to slow down, unwind, and savor the simple pleasures of the moment. In Antigua and Barbuda, life unfolds against a backdrop of sun-kissed beaches and swaying palms, where the stresses of the outside world seem to melt away in the balmy Caribbean breeze. Here, amidst the vibrant colors and intoxicating scents of the tropics, a laid-back and friendly atmosphere prevails, inviting travelers to kick off their shoes and embrace the unhurried pace of island living.

Whether lounging on a pristine beach with toes buried in the sand or sharing stories and laughter with locals over a cold drink at a beachside bar, every moment is infused with a sense of warmth and hospitality that is as genuine as it is infectious. As the sun sets in a blaze of fiery hues and the stars twinkle overhead, it’s easy to lose track of time in this island paradise, where the only schedule is the one you make for yourself.

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